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Conclusion & Reflections: Welcome
Conclusion & Reflections: Video


I completed this project with a presentation describing the whole journey through the year and the outcome. I explained the outcome over process videos and finalized the work with a video and a lantern. This outline determined the description of the project, related writing, and the hopeful tone I took into the exhibition.


This is a reminder to rehearse a presentation before doing it to make sure everything will work on the tech you are using...

Conclusion & Reflections: About My Project


What is next?

The number one question after graduating. The project led me to a different path then I expected, and made me want to apply it to my life in different ways. At the moment, the project as is probably won't become a reality. However, I think a version of it will continue on. Creating the lanterns with people in mind made me realize I just have a desire to make. More specifically, a desire to make for people. More MORE specifically, a desire to make for people in order to help them feel emotions that are hard to express otherwise. I took a step back, and see myself taking what I learned from Industrial Design and applying it to an art practice. In the future, maybe I will design memorials... Maybe I will teach art... Maybe I will show others what art can do for them. 

Despite this, I think the conversations I started in the process and outcome of my project led me as far as I needed right now. I am open to coming back to it in the future with a new perspective, more time and resources to research, and an opportunity to connect with CMA to see the value in memorializing these deaths.

Conclusion & Reflections: Body


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Moutier, Christine Yu MD; Myers, Michael F. MD; Feist, Jennifer Breen JD; Feist, J. Corey JD, MBA; Zisook, Sidney MD Preventing Clinician Suicide: A Call to Action During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond, Academic Medicine: May 2021 - Volume 96 - Issue 5 - p 624-628. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000003972 

Physician suicide: What medical students need to know. Canadian Medical Association. 


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Conclusion & Reflections: Citations
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